February 9, 2007

proof of concept

now what can you write in your first entry without turning lame?
how about the tedious brainstorming of picking and tweaking the template:

i liek my GREEN wit GRAY, lolz thx ^_^


aquashark said...

zomfg!! wtf?/


utopic said...

esti un bou


aquashark said...

lolz thx ^_^

Roxa said...

Make your comments appear in a separate window, it`s easier for us this way. :)) Welcome in the bloggish world. :D

aquashark said...

all done now.
mersi de sfat si de primire :)

utopic said...

puahahahahahahah aquashark flirteaza deja prin intermediul blogului!
el, care nu tolereaza nici o abatere de la normele limbilor anglosaxoanelor, induplecat ca un mielusel la vazul unei proaspete admiratore. pofta buna!

welcome TO the jungle.

aquashark said...

you got something wrong however: eu si "proaspata admiratoare" ne stim deja de ceva timp, insa din alt mediu :P

utopic said...

lasa-ma sa ghicesc, ati fost in aceeasi grupa la balet

aquashark said...

..cenaclu de poezie patriotica :P