May 30, 2007

hope you enjoyed the silence

in sfarsit am terminat cu santierul domestic si pot scrie in voie la blog.. oarecum pentru ca a inceput sesiunea :/

geek highlights of the past two weeks:

May 21, 2007

first poster

dis d3wd 0wNz soo ba\ad!!
wish i had his talent :<

May 17, 2007


And now, in the interest of equal time,
here is a message from the National Institute of Pancakes:

It reads, and I quote, “Fuck waffles.”

May 11, 2007

salsa shark

CPLains: rofl.. can't stop thinking about this when i see your nick xD

May 3, 2007

lost in translation

or not quite really :)
ieri am aterizat din greseala pe articolul Wikipedia despre Eminescu. nimic spectaculos, chiar zZzZzZz.. insa o propozitie chiar mi-a atras atentia: "Eminescu's poems have been translated in over 60 languages".

din curiozitate am rascolit netul sa vad daca gasesc traduceri in engleza si am fost surprins placut de unele traduceri foarte reusite.

daca Eminescu ar fi scris intr-o limba de circulatie internationala cu siguranta altii trebuiau sa memoreze n strofe din Luceafarul. kekekeke ^_^

postez aici cateva fragmente din cele mai reusite traduceri.
poeziile traduse integral le gasiti pe link-urile respective.

Scrisoarea I

"Nowadays a thinker's judgement is restricted by no tether;
He projects it in a moment over centuries together.
To his eye the sun all-glorious is a red orb wrapt in shrouds,
Closing like a bleeding ulcer among all-darkening clouds,
He sees how the heavenly bodies in vast spaces freeze and run,
Rebels that have torn the fetters of the dazzling light and sun;
And, behold, the world's foundation is now blackened to the core,
And the stars, like leaves in autumn, flicker out and are no more,
Lifeless Time distends his body and becomes endless duration,
Because nothing ever happens in the boundless desolation;
In the night of non-existence all is crumbled, all are slain,
And, in keeping with its nature, peace eternal reigns again."


"To our sight a lot will glisten,
Many sounds will reach our ear;
Who could take the time to listen
And remember all we hear?
Keep aside from all that patter,
Seek yourself, far from the throng
When with loud and idle clatter
Time goes by, time comes along."

din pacate am gasit destul de putine traduceri.
contributii cu alte link-uri sunt binevenite. :)